Services & references

We are a company specialising n bridge construction and concrete works. Thanks to our versatile equipment and skilled personnel, the broad range of our expertise brings advantages to the developer.
Let the references
speak for themselves
Metro bridges, Helsinki
Demanding rail bridges
7,500 m of carbon fibre reinforcement
500 m2 of coating
Tapiola school, Espoo
Cast-in-place job, a lot of challenging fair-face casting
25,000 m2 of formwork
3,300 m3 of concrete
400,000 kg of iron reinforcements
Reparation of Kuhalankoski dam, Forssa
Underwater construction
Approx. 100m3 of underwater casting
Replacement of Tammisto junction bridge, Vantaa
Tensioned cantilever bridge
Approx. 550 m3 of concrete
Concrete work for funicular lift, Turku
Demanding cast-in-place worksite on a hillside
1,000 m3 of concrete
Nordreälv Bridge, Gothenburg
Different kinds of concrete works
2,000 metres of new edge cantilevers